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Skurka’s Beans for Non-Americans

3 minute read

Andrew Skurka’s Beans with Fritos and Cheese is ubiquitous in the Ultralight backpacking world, turning into something of a cult legend. It’s consistently ra...

Overland Track Experience and Gear Notes

26 minute read

Recently I embarked on the Overland track, walking some of the best track available in Australia - some have argued up there as one of the best in the world....

Mapping Vic Hikes Using Caltopo

1 minute read

Fleeing the city at the end of the year in favour of the coast is an Australian tradition, one of the more important ones. I found myself mapping a hike in W...

Neve Gear Waratah Quilt Review

3 minute read

I recently purchased a Waratah quilt from Neve gear. This is my first quilt purchase and knocked a whopping 450g off my sleeping bag weight. Seeing as Neve g...

Mapping NSW Hikes Using Caltopo

2 minute read

During most (all) of my hikes I’ve followed a well-known track, covered in trail markers, with a printed out map provided by the relevant park authority in h...